A Killing Conscience: What Happens Next!?

The brief we were given required us to film a Noir Opening Sequence, as you're very familiar with at this point - but what happens in A Killing Conscience next?

Why is Kira Dead? Who killed her? What happened that night? and Who walked through that door at the end?

The scene begins in a bedroom the night after a big party and we see a boy and a girl in bed. The boy wakes up, hungover, still confused about what had happened the night before and stumbles out of bed. He looks in the mirror, seeing blood splattered over his face. He turns to see Kira asleep. Trying to wake her up, he pushes her and as she rolls over, he's faced with the sight of a blood, bruises and cuts over the close of up her face. Panicking even more so now, he tries even harder to wake her up. She won't. He sits and lights up a cigarette; one of the many in the packets scattered over clothes and empty bottles in his room, the camera fixed on his face. Piece by piece, he recollects what happened throughout the night as the mental images fill his mind. It could be anyone. With his head in his hands, he hears faint footsteps, loudening as they approach, swiftly averting his attention to the door, the camera closening, the handle turns.

The handle releases and the door opens. Suddenly, Ben rushes through as he sees a group of friends, waving and grinning outside his house. The party has begun. Smiling and waving back frantically, he opens the front door with a bottle of beer in his hand. We see the group enter, hugging Ben, tipsily from a high angle outside the house as the camera pans to reveal more of the location from an outside view.

Cutting to indoors, they enter the living room - there's
already about 10 people in there and the newly-arrived group make themselves at home and instantly start to mingle, cracking open bottles and lighting cigarettes as
the music pounds throughout the scene. This continues as we're introduced to the characters and learn their backstory, relationships with other characters and their personalities.

One girl, Kira, who's from the same college as them is especially nervous as she floats from crowd to crowd, conversing with them. We see her chainsmoking and drinking at a constant level in order to gain confidence as a group of girls, though Emily especially, sit on the sofa staring at her whispering and giggling to themselves. Cameron enters the room and Emily's head suddenly turns. Developing a sly grin, she slowly gets up, brushes her hair back and kisses him on the cheek before pulling his hand, asking for a dance. Her friends still encouraging her, but still whispering about Kira.

Later in the night, Kira's past the confident stage of drunk and is loudly charging from group to group, talking to them, laughing and dancing to herself, now with a bottle of wine in her hand. Cameron approaches her and smiles to himself as he introduces himself; she throws her arms around him and starts dancing again. Emily and her friends look in shock, obviously talking about her now, looking disgusted. Kira's getting more drunk by this point and is getting close to Cameron before Emily breaks them apart, giving Kira a dirty look before she leaves the room with him. Kira follows. This is when we see, from a high angle, Cameron and Emily in the garden when suddenly, Kira comes charging through the back door, creating a huge scene, tearing them apart, hitting cameron and storming back in. She grabs a beer and looks for her next victim. Ben.

As she approaches him and tries to flirt, he tells her she's had too much - which of course makes her angry. Amy pushes her aside and asks Ben for a dance as she pulls him away. Kira grows furious at her and her friend Emily. She goes between Ben and Cameron all night trying her luck but they want nothing to do with her. Continually drinking, she retreats to a lone corner by the sofa with her bottle as Amy and Emily approach her, asking her to come outside. From a window in the kitchen, we see, but do not hear them fighting outside. Amy points at Kira in fury as they both shout whilst Emily pushes her around and leaves. Kira follows them slowly, entering the living room as she stumbles and passes out, bottle in hand.

The scene speeds up, then stops to a low angle shot of Amy, Emily and her friends, including Ben and Cameron looking down at her. Amy sits on the sofa, laughing at her as she throws a cigarette packet at her - this wakes Kira up and she rages at Amy, shouting abuse, going crazy. The scene cuts to black as she raises her hand.

We fade from black into bedroom door closing, cutting to a close-up of high heels exiting and walking across the hallway and down the stairs. We hear "Shhh! Wait for me, I'm not staying in here!" as a boy calls her name and similar footsteps can be seen running towards her. This is Kira's death. The two unidentified characters enter the room as strobe lights fill the shot and mingle. The audience is still unsure who they are.

It's 4:00am in the morning now and slowly but surely, the party comes to an end. The huge majority of people there are drunk, stoned, paralytic or asleep and we
cut to a sped up shot of a boy being sick in a bucket before slowing down to see Ben stumbling up the stairs, approaching his bedroom. The bedroom. He stumbles in to bed, not bothering to turn the light on. Black.

The opening scene is repeated now, with shorter flashbacks and no voice-over - the whole scene is cut down. When we get to the door again, we pan up from a pair of legs. It's Amy, grinning mischievously. "Is she still asleep?" she laughs. Ben, looking confused, notices Kira's necklace from last night around Amy's neck. She throws him a bloodied, marble ornament from his room, covered in a cloth. She asks "Naughty, Ben... What are you going to do now?" before she winks and exits casually and quickly. We hear a slam of a door, then a car speed away as we end on a close up of Ben with slowly streaming tears. Shooting his glance towards Kira, still holding the weapon. We exit to black on a close up of her face.

(Written By The Editor: Myself, Ben Halliday)

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