Film Noir Opening Treatment

Mise-En-Scene & Art Direction


The props used include
: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, ‘soup’ sick, bed, sofas, system, blood, make up for the bruises.

The Alcohol and cigarettes are typical of noir tendencies, we wanted to keep some classic noir conventions in there so people who watch our opening can identify what type of film it is. The drugs and the ipod docking system give it a modern kick to keep up with the contemporary feel of our opening.

Costume and make up

We want to keep the costume casual, like everyday wear of young adults but we wanted to add a noir flair. We will do this buy keeping the shades of clothing dark, for example blacks, greys and dark/navy blues. Or women with red lipstick and red nails. Not all charecters will dress this way because we need the modern edge once again, to keep the contemporary feel. If we had more charecters and time we would deffinitly keep to these guidlines perfectly. But seeing as we have minimal amount of 'main' charecters we will stick to the guidelines as much as possibly can.We also will use costume make up for the 'femme fatale' to look beaten up and hurt. I will buy some purple lipstick mixed with eyeliner to create a bruised effect on the cheekbones and above the eye. And buy some costume blood to give the extra drama effect.

  • Cameron's House
  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Study
  • Bedroom

Location 2:

  • Ben's (my) house
  • Bedroom
  • Living Room


The editing for this piece will be clean and use continuity editing up until the flashbacks where, to create the effect of disorientation, things aren’t in order, shots are skewed etc. Editing to create flashbacks isn’t intended to look cliché so we’ll go about it differently – Upon pacing the room, I will cut the footage up and apply a dissolve transition to express passing of time before the character places himself back on the bed. During this time, a voiceover will be heard, explaining the character's confusion about the night before. Music will fade in as we enter the first sequence of flashbacks where we see the suspects and the reason they may have committed the murder. As this is a flashback of a drunken party, the editing won't feature continuity editing but jump cuts and discontinuity editing to disorientate the audience. The music we'll use will reflect the action but also the noir characteristics of the piece. We will also use a voiceover for the victim, in the bed. Large amounts of distortion will be added to her voice to add a scary, noir, mysterious tone.

As the action is quite detailed, the opening titles will be placed before the starting scene. The typeface will be simple, but also reflect (along with colour) the noir feel of things.


Cinematography in our film is going to be vital in our film. The type of shots we use will help distinguish the type of film we are trying to convey to our audience. The opening shots willl all be in the bedroom. These shots will be used with a tripod to give a smooth feel.

As at this point we are in real time so we will use continuity. In this, we will also use high and low angle shots of the charecters to give the impression of the charecter that we want. For example There will be a high angle shot of our charecter 'Ben' sitting on the bed with a cigarette. This will make Ben look vunrable and lonely which is what we to portray. There will be a close up of 'kiras' body in the bed dead. It is important shot, and gives a lot of detail, which is what close ups are perfect for. The shot will need to linger to give a bigger impression of the fact she is beaten, bruised and dead.

In contrast to this the flashbacks we will use will be very gritty, uncontrolled shots. We will get this effect by using a hand held camera. The handheld camera will also make it as point of view shot from bens persepective of that night. We see it through his eyes. When we edit, we will then chop them up in different places to make them even more abnormal to the audience.

There wont be any structure as such. Aka, no continuity. This because they are flasbacks of a very drunk not, and in reality when people remember things it will be at different times and not in order how the night has gone. So we want to make it seem like this with our mixed up shots in different places. The shots will seem uncomfortable and confusing. Which was a convention of classic film noirs.

Written By: Myself, Ben Halliday & Kira Knight, Art Director.

Pre-Production Paperwork: Re-Shoot Shot Lists.

(Shot Lists By: Amy Meitiner, Producer)

Updated/New Film Noir Opening Synopsis

The scene begins in a bedroom the night after a big party and we see a boy and a girl in bed. The boy wakes up, hungover, still confused about what had happened the night before and stumbles out of bed. He looks in the mirror, seeing blood splattered over his face and panics, he has no idea how the blood got there, if it was his, someone else's and tries to piece it together. He remembers that the girl he woke up to got severely paralytic the night before and passed out a few times before trying her luck with many of the boys at the party so he goes to check on her. Trying to wake her up, he pushes her and as she rolls over, he's faced with the sight of a blood, bruises and cuts over the close of up her face. Panicking even more so now, he tries even harder to wake her up. She won't. The boy is in a complete state of shock now, in a frenzy he shuts the curtains and makes sure the door is closed so no-one will see as he tries to figure out what he's going to do. Now, the light in the room is really seedy, which makes the audience question his innocence. He sits and lights up a cigarette; one of the many in the packets scattered over clothes and empty bottles in his room, the camera fixed on his face.

All of a sudden, piece by piece, he recollects what happened throughout the night as the mental images fill his mind. It could be anyone. He knows he's included in that broad spectrum and that he turned her down several times that night, getting angrier and angrier - but so did all the other boys. Even the girls fought with her. With his head in his hands, he hears faint footsteps, loudening as they approach, swiftly averting his attention to the door, the camera closening, the handle turns.

(Written by the Editor: Myself, Ben Halliday)

Detailed notes On Film Noir Opening Re-Shoot.

At 9:30 on a Wednesday morning in Holbrook, we made no delay in getting straight down to work. Unfortunately, there was some of our group that couldn't make the re-shoot for various reasons but we didn't let that hinder us or get us down. We were determined to make this work after the disaster that turned out to be the first try. Looking at storyboards and shot-lists we immediately set up the camera and shot our first scenes. The scenes in the bedroom came out really well in my opinion and the lighting was great.

The new pre-production really helped us out and in all honesty, it was something we could have done better for the first shoot. Our ideas were carried out in much less of a congested, loud environment, which I think helped and allowed us to focus fully on expressing our narrative and getting all of those noir styles in our work. The shots are more stable, continuity, I think, will be a lot tigher and we've managed to capture a far wider range of shots and angles which will be really nice with the voice-over.

We've now decided to use a bit of footage from the last shoot because of the seediness of it and how rough it actually was. If we're able to cut that up when it comes to the edit and make a really kind of grimy, raw flashback effect then that would be perfect. We did however shoot some new footage for the flashbacks and have made the impromptu decision to add dialogue in to it to further our idea and make it easier for the audience to understand the narrative.

All that's left to do now is fire up Final Cut Pro, log and capture our work, screen the shots to the rest of our group that couldn't make the re-shoot and start on post-production work, tighten pre-production and put everything together. I'm a lot more confident this time that we have enough footage - and that the footage is of an acceptable quality.

(Written By: Myself, Ben Halliday: The Editor)

Notes on Group Meetings, Re-Shoot and New Plan.

A week or two ago, my group met up at Cameron's house to shoot for our Film Noir Opening. We had a script, shot list, storyboard and good intentions; we all had a really good feeling about this shoot. 8 hours later, we'd reached a point of realisation that we were going to have to re-shoot. Shots looked really messy, we relied too much on the free-held camera technique to create a disoriented style but looking back on it, it looks shaky, rushed and amateur. Lighting was different in almost every shot, the small house was too crowded to work properly, it was hot, loud and everyone lost their prior motivation after re-watching a few of the shots.

Kira, Amy and I discussed our options in the Editing Suite after logging and capturing our work and swiftly decided we cared too much to let ourselves use this footage and it was time to re-think everything even though time wasn't on our side. Our problem was, our initial idea was too complicated, and looking back, it would have been a long, over-detailed opening for a film; it just wouldn't have worked.

We mind-mapped possible ideas, toyed with the idea of a re-shoot, consulted the missing members of our group and generally worked hard and fast to complete the video to the standard we knew we could. I think, looking back, the pressure of being so short of time and completely having to re-think our idea and possibly re-shoot was of course terrifying but it did make us work so hard and it drove us all in terms of motivation and determination to get everything down to the last minute detail.

Over the course of the next few days, storyboards, a new script, brand new treatments, call sheets, risk evaluation sheets and shot lists (examples will follow shortly in blog posts) were produced and we'd simplified our idea. We all agreed that it was much better than the original, it had a better narrative and easier for an audience to digest. We changed our blogs, got our new material on there and went for it.

Now we had all of our pre-production completed, our group met at my house to re-shoot our opening in entirety and in my opinion, things are looking far better than I think our last ideas ever could. Our shots are much more contemporary, neater and smoother, and clearer. I think the edit is going to look really nice.

(Written By The Editor: Myself, Ben Halliday)

Primary Research

Before commiting to ideas, we first governed a series of short questionnaires in order to gain information about our target audience. We asked them about film, codes and conventions in order to gain an idea about the size our potential market.

Here is some of the summarised data:

This information provided us with valuable insight into our audience and allowed us to reach the conclusion that; Realistic characters, and those they can relate to are more important than bad characters, that a large majority of people have never even heard of film noir, that openings to films are very important and that they should leave the audience on a cliffhanger. Murder, Parties and Fights all came very high in one area of our questionnaire, which is the general direction we were trying to head in, but the vast majority preffered romance; something we're not aiming for but definitely an element to our film we could consider.

(Data Collection & Graphs By: Kira Knight, Art Director)

(Written Summary By: Ben Halliday, Editor)

Film Noir Opening Screenplay

A row of detached houses all similar in appearance, sit side by side. They are old and run down, much like the surrounding area. It is the early hours of the morning so it is very dark and completely silent, the only light comes from the street lights standing in front of the houses and one solitary house which has all the downstairs lights on.

The room is large, with two large stained sofas opposite each other. It is clear that a family live here from the photo on the wall. However seven clearly intoxicated young adults lay around the room. Three of them crowd on one sofa while one very ill man lays spread out over the other. The rest of them lay or sit on the floor. Low diegetic music plays from the stereo. It is clear that there has been a party. Alcoholic cans and bottles litter the floor – all of them empty. One very uncomfortable looking guy named DAN, propped up against the side of the sofa, stands up.

Fuck this; I’m off to find a bed.

There’s no beds left.

I don’t care. I’ll push someone out if I have too. I’m not sleeping on that floor, someone puked on it – I can smell it.

Well good luck, Dan.

DAN leaves the room.


DAN walks out of the lounge and stumbles up the stairs. The hallway too is littered with bottles and cans. DAN tries his hardest to avoid them on the stairs.

DAN enters the spare room, looking exhausted – the bed appears to be empty, breathing a happy sigh DAN throws himself happily onto the bed. He realises there is someone inside.
Sorry man, I didn’t realise there was anyone in here.

DAN pulls back the covers to find CAMERON inside covered in blood. He is dead, and has obviously been murdered.

(Screenplay by: Producer, Amy Meitiner)

Film Noir Opening Synopsys

Scene opens in the early hours of the morning around 4am, in the front room of a house. From the various alcohol bottles and cans strewn around the room and young people in their early 20’s either passed out on the floor or occupying the sofa, looking ill, it is clear that there has been a party. A rather bedraggled guy called Dan gets up and tells the room that he is going to bed, as he leaves the room and descends the stairs, the camera follows him. He walks into the master bedroom, and falls onto the bed exhausted, but then realises that there is already someone inside so he pulls back the cover. Cameron lies inside dead covered in blood – he has been murdered. A close up of Dan’s reaction followed by a big white flash of light leads to a flash-back sequence of the party in its early stages and the possible killers and motives.

(Written by: Producer, Amy Meitiner)

Call sheet for Noir Opening Shoot.

First Shoot:
Date: Monday 15th February 2010
Location: Cameron Mears' house, Shafto Road.
Directions: From town, go to Norwich Road all the way down to Bramford Road, which you follow straight to Shafto Road.

Call Times
Meet in town with equipment at 4pm.
Travel to Camerons house and get there by 4:30pm
Shooting begins at 4:45pm
Expected to end by 10pm

Directing: shared role
Sound man: N/A
Production assistants: Shared role

Cameron Mears : victim, deceased
Amy Meitiner: suspect, bullying victim
kira knight: suspect, jilted lover
Ben Halliday: suspect, drug dealer

Sony DV1 Camera
Standard tripod for Sony DV1 camera

Alcohol, Sofa, Beds, Drugs, Ipod Docking System.

Second day of shooting

Date: Wednesday 10th March 2010
Location: Ben hallidays house, Holbrook

Directions: 92 bus from Cattle Market bus station, takes you straight there.

Call Times
Meet at Cattle Market bus station at 9am
Travel to Bens house and get there by 9:35am
Shooting begins at 10:00am
Expected to end by 4:00pm

Directing: Ben halliday and Amy Meitiner
Sound man: N/A

Production assistants: Shared role

Amy Meitiner: suspect
kira knight: victim, deceased
Ben Halliday: suspect

Sony DV1 Camera
Standard tripod for Sony DV1 camera

Alcohol, Sofa, Beds, cigerettes,

(Written by: Art Director, Kira Knight)