Detailed notes On Film Noir Opening Re-Shoot.

At 9:30 on a Wednesday morning in Holbrook, we made no delay in getting straight down to work. Unfortunately, there was some of our group that couldn't make the re-shoot for various reasons but we didn't let that hinder us or get us down. We were determined to make this work after the disaster that turned out to be the first try. Looking at storyboards and shot-lists we immediately set up the camera and shot our first scenes. The scenes in the bedroom came out really well in my opinion and the lighting was great.

The new pre-production really helped us out and in all honesty, it was something we could have done better for the first shoot. Our ideas were carried out in much less of a congested, loud environment, which I think helped and allowed us to focus fully on expressing our narrative and getting all of those noir styles in our work. The shots are more stable, continuity, I think, will be a lot tigher and we've managed to capture a far wider range of shots and angles which will be really nice with the voice-over.

We've now decided to use a bit of footage from the last shoot because of the seediness of it and how rough it actually was. If we're able to cut that up when it comes to the edit and make a really kind of grimy, raw flashback effect then that would be perfect. We did however shoot some new footage for the flashbacks and have made the impromptu decision to add dialogue in to it to further our idea and make it easier for the audience to understand the narrative.

All that's left to do now is fire up Final Cut Pro, log and capture our work, screen the shots to the rest of our group that couldn't make the re-shoot and start on post-production work, tighten pre-production and put everything together. I'm a lot more confident this time that we have enough footage - and that the footage is of an acceptable quality.

(Written By: Myself, Ben Halliday: The Editor)

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